there you have met the nail on the head
that makes me no one so fast after
I've met exact into the black one
Awesome thread!But I think I'll have problems to fake my english skills, because I'm almost speaking like an one-home-guy...and there is, where the dog lies digged.
then you have noch the zweite möglichkeit with the languageswitcherei
Nice Idee, my good alter friend!
this ist ja some ficken crazy shit, going ab in the battlezentrum. on this idea muss man first mal come!
i luv germany, u can say fuck and shit on tv, and dicks, oh my god, its raining dicks fucking mortherfucking dicks, dicks in ur face motherfucker shit fucking dicks
alter eminem-biter
i will to mal speak englischehh(english for ähh) yes ehhh ... shit!^^ who can speak whith me?
wattaficki is going on massafaggahs ! are you alle noch alive or watt is losen in da hosen ???
ya gat ta mek sam luki luki först bifor yu kan go for sam wattaficki...
I am safe my englisch is many better as your, because I was in a Englisch performance class
are you a little streber or was? go and fuck the woodfairy...
what do you machen in ein änglisch performance class? tuning great breetish tee? spreading bse?