My iTunes Music Library.xml inside my itunes folder is dated last modified 9/16/09 at a 6:53PM... I've opened itunes and have added new music to my library BUT the iTunes Music Library.xml doesn't update (therefore my DJ program, Serato Scratch Live, doesn't show the newly added songs as well as new changes in my iTunes playlists). I've upgraded my itunes from 8 to 9, i've upgraded my serato scratch live from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1, the latest. I've moving my iTunes Music Library.xml to another location, relaunching iTunes, going to File, Library, Export Library to create a new xml at any location but it does not appear when i create it. I've redownloaded itunes 9 but same thing unfortunately. Any suggestions?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.